
Friday, August 10, 2007

Business Processes and Information Technology (Hardcover)

This text prepares students to effectively use, manage, and participate in the development of information technology applications in support of common business processes. Interconnections among an organization's management, business processes, information systems and information technology are brought out in each chapter. Another emphasis throughout the text is the governance, control, and security of business processes, information systems--especially underlying financial information systems--and emerging technologies. Moreover, the text centers around three themes: IT innovations, e-business and enterprise systems.

Book Info
Text prepares students to effectively use, manage, and participate in the development of information technology applications in support of common business processes. Text focuses on the interconnections among an organization's management, business processes, information systems, and information technology. Includes in-chapter reviews, discussions, and problems.

1 comment:

Giovanni Carlo said...

Today's information technology is no longer just a support function, it becomes pervasive in contemporary businesses, permeate into every corner of business:

it consulting